Русская версия

Gedwillo, Kozakoff, Kachan

Alexander Gedwillo

  • Alexander Gedwillo came from Riga in Latvia and was of Polish ethnic origin. He probably came to Australia as a seaman and lived in New South Wales working as a carpenter.
  • He served in the AIF in Field Ambulance on the Western Front and was killed in the Somme battle in December 1916.

Evan Kozakoff

  • Evan Kozakoff from Moscow came to Australia having behind 4 years of Russian Army service. He was an engine driver by trade.
  • Enlisting in the AIF he was appointed as a nurse on the hospital ship Karoola, worked in the Clearing Station in Gallipoli, but upon reaching Western Front he was discharged for insufficient knowledge of English.
  • He planned to return to Russia.

John Kachan

  • John Kachan, a Ukrainian from Berdichev, served in the Russian Army in artillery and fought in the Russo-Japanese War.
  • He enlisted in the AIF in Bundaberg and served at Gallipoli as a signaller, but got gravely mentally sick and died soon after return to Australia.
  • He is missing from the Roll of Honour.