David Fager, a Finnish seaman from Helsingfors (Helsinki), was working in Port Pirie as a labourer by the time of his enlistment.
He enlisted in the AIF in Port Pirie, but was discharged a few days later as medically unfit.
After the war, in 1919, he appears in the Police Gazette of South Australia as an Italian subject living in Port Pirie, but after that his trail disappears.
Gustaf Nikolai Aalto, a Finnish seaman from the Abo (Turku) area, came to Australia in 1911 and was working on the ships in Sydney.
Enlisting in the AIF in Sydney, he arrived with the 2nd Battalion in England, but became sick and was returned to Australia.
After the war he moved to Mackay in Queensland, where he worked as a labourer and waterside worker. For years his address was ‘Town Beach, Mackay’, where he was probably camping.
Henry George Abrahamovitch, a Jewish man from Warsaw (he also stated to be born in Odessa), came to Australia as a seaman in about 1903. He worked in Victoria as a rabbit trapper.
Enlisting in the AIF in October 1917 in Melbourne, he served as an orderly in hospital, but was discharged two weeks later as medically unfit. He made a new attempt to enlist in May 1918, but his service did not last long. During the war he published two patriotic songs and contributed articles to newspapers.
After the war he carried his swag around New South Wales. During WWII he made a new attempt to enlist in the AIF in spite of the fact that he was sixty years old.